Techniques & Therapies

The chiropractic adjustment, as defined by the World Chiropractic Alliance:
"The goal of the chiropractic adjustment is to correct spinal subluxations (misplacement of spinal vertebrae) by applying pressure to the bone to "unlock" it from its improper position."
Our doctors are skilled and experienced in offering a variety of chiropractic services designed to help each person reach his or her full potential. We utilize a variety of adjustment techniques chosen to match each individual. We also incorporate core stabilization therapy, therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular re-education, cervical traction, and decompression as necessary to help each Practice Member obtain optimal results from his or her care. Our Brookfield WI, New Berlin WI, and Williams Bay WI chiropractors are here to help you.
Cervical Traction
Cervical traction can relieve muscle spasms by lengthening soft tissues and increasing the space between cervical vertebrae. Depending on the care received from the chiropractor, there are a variety of manual and mechanical traction techniques we utilize to restore the natural cervical curve back into the spine.
Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR)
Among many things, Neuromuscular Reeducation techniques are used to improve posture, coordination, and balance when done consecutively and repeatedly. These therapies can also help with upper and lower thoracic functions.
Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic techniques are designed to improve and restore musculoskeletal and neurologic function. These exercises will help strengthen and stabilize the spine. This helps you maintain your adjustments, thereby moving you to lifestyle care more quickly.
Brookfield WI
New Berlin WI
Williams Bay WI