On-site Wellness Programs

Wellness is an all-in sort of thing. It doesn't work when it's out of sight, out of mind - it has to be more than just a virtual initiative within your organization. If you want to transform your culture, your wellness offering has to have high visibility. That's why on-site is the answer. It lets you create change you can see by making health and wellness available to your employees on-site, right at your workplace. Which means happier employees and a healthier bottom line. Call Pure Family Chiropractic in Brookfield WI, New Berlin WI, or Williams Bay WI today to learn more about on-site chiropractic.
Why on-site? Happier Employees = Healthier Bottom Line
- Impact healthcare trends
- Decreased downtime
- Better access to health resources
- Minimal startup requirements
- Happier employees
- Reduced absenteeism
- More interaction with experts
Chiropractic is Key
Experience shows having an on-site health expert is key when it comes to moving the needle for a company's culture. We will install a chiropractic practitioner on-site - on a full- or part-time basis - to be the individual responsible for coordinating your wellness program. Not only will they address common workplace issues such as repetitive strain, ergonomics, and posture, they will bring structure and insight, overseeing every aspect of your wellness offering.
Core Offering
Plan Design
A full-service offering that follows the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) model, which means we design a plan unique to your needs. All of it is data-driven, based on healthcare claim analysis and other key information. We assess the state of wellness within your organization then work with you to optimize your wellness offering to drive the greatest results.
Before any wellness program can be introduced, we need to take a close look at what's working within your organization in terms of wellness, and what can be improved. We conduct research through healthcare claim analysis and employee surveys to paint a clear picture of the state of wellness within your organization. From there, our wellness experts tailor your program by choosing the right combination of a wide variety of tools to guide your program to success.
The number one offering we deliver is the physical presence of an expert. We're talking about a chiropractic practitioner who will be there, on-site, offering unparalleled accessibility and one-on-one relationships. Our chiropractors come with a number of tools that will help your employees make the most of your wellness offerings. The bottom line: Whatever your employees may need, your on-site chiropractic practitioner will make sure they have access. Period.
Tools Include:
- ChiroTouch software platform
- Nutrascreen nutritional analysis program
- Media delivery
- Educational archives
- Leadership training
We know change doesn't happen overnight. Which is why, when it comes right down to it, more than just a wellness offering. It's a package deal - meaning, when you bring us into your organization, you bring with it a powerful partnership and ample experience. In fact, we offer every bit as much leadership as we do wellness, giving you the tools you need to confidently lead your organization down the path of wellness. But possibly the most important thing to remember is that, being on-site, we deliver change you can see. Being on-site leads to higher participation rates. And high participation allows for change to happen organically.
Brookfield WI
New Berlin WI
Williams Bay WI