How High School Football Players Benefit from Chiropractic Care in New Berlin WI

Football is arguably one of the roughest sports ever conceived of, and all the hitting takes a toll on the high school athlete's still-developing body. Head, neck, back, knee, and ankle injuries are all commonplace and are expected and accepted by players, coaches, and parents as part of playing the game. Fortunately, if you are looking for a kids chiropractic in Wisconsin, we can provide highly effective care options for football injuries that do not require prescription drugs or surgery.
Chiropractic care in New Berlin WI has become an accepted and practical option for not only improving symptoms of sports injuries, but it has also become a sound practice for preventing injuries from occurring in the first place. At the professional level, over 75 percent of all NFL teams have payers who use chiropractic care for both care and prevention of playing injuries. College football teams also use chiropractic care to help their players. Here are several ways high school football players can benefit from chiropractic care:
Pain Relief in New Berlin WI
Chiropractic care is known to be an effective pain-management technique and shown to alleviate headaches, especially those stemming from typical impact injuries to the head and neck. Chiropractic care has also been shown to be highly effective at relieving pain from shoulder, knee, and ankle injuries.
Increased Mobility and Range of Motion
A chiropractic adjustment, technically known as chiropractic manipulative treatment or CMT, is one of the primary sports medicine chiropractic care measures. CMT is commonly used as an injury prevention technique as it increases flexibility and range of motion while minimizing or even eliminating pain.
Solid-Body Maintenance
The fact of the game is football players frequently get hurt. However, even absent of significant injury, stiff and sore muscle is common due to the roughness of the game. Chiropractic care can relieve the typical aches and pain that comes from being a contact-sport athlete.
Injury Prevention
There is an established positive correlation between athletes who regularly have chiropractic adjustments and a decrease in sports-related injuries. Chiropractic care increases strength and endurance, making the body stronger and work more efficiently. Chiropractic also increases a player's flexibility and mobility that have been linked to injury prevention.
Chiropractic care plays an essential role in improving symptoms of injuries for athletes participating in one of the roughest sports ever played. If you are or know a high-school football player, odds are chiropractic care will improve their game. If you are looking for a kids chiropractic in Wisconsin, give our office a call to schedule a consultation. While we are always flattered to hear people call us the best chiropractor in Brookfield WI, New Berlin WI, and Williams Bay WI, we make every effort to make your health our top priority.
Brookfield WI
New Berlin WI
Williams Bay WI