History of Modern Chiropractic Care in Williams Bay WI

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Learn about Chiropractic in Williams Bay WI
The first suggested indications of chiropractic-treatment methods date back to 4000 B.C. Egypt. Hippocrates, the father of medicine himself, stated the spine was requisite for many ailments. However, modern chiropractic-care methods were first introduced by Daniel David Palmer in the late 19th Century.
Palmer, a Canadian living in the U.S., performed the first recorded spinal adjustment on someone who had lost most of his hearing. Harvey Lillard mentioned to Palmer that he had lost his hearing several years earlier when he bent over and his upper back "popped." Palmer felt the two events had to be related and found a problem with one of the vertebrae in Lillard's spine.
When Palmer adjusted Lillard's spine, Harvey's hearing returned. Palmer later discovered similar adjustments could relieve other symptoms and conditions, like epilepsy, heart issues, migraines, sciatica, and stomach problems. Palmer, considered the founder of chiropractic-care techniques, opened the Palmer School & Infirmary of Chiropractic in 1898 and began teaching the techniques.
Dr. B.J. Palmer
Dr. B.J. Palmer took over operation of the Palmer School in 1906 and made many significant contributions. These included analysis and research, improved spinal-adjustment methods, and improved standards of education. B.J. Palmer fought both legal and legislative battles for the licensing of chiropractors. While Dr. B.J. Palmer was often the center of controversy, his advancement of the science before his death in 1961 had increased the appreciation for chiropractors around the world.
The First Woman Chiropractor
Mabel Heath Palmer, Dr. B.J. Palmer's wife, became the first female Doctor of Chiropractic care in 1905 and taught at the school for over 30 years before her death in 1949. A recognized authority on anatomy, Mabel was her husband's trusted adviser in all areas of the profession.
Dr. David D. Palmer
The grandson of the school's founder, David D. Palmer assumed the presidency of the school in 1961. Palmer's grandson modernized the school and worked toward getting it accredited, achieving non-profit status and changing the name to the Palmer College of Chiropractic. The school finally received accreditation after David's death in 1978.
The Torque-Release Technique
Commonly referred to as TRT, Dr. Jay M. Holder, the first American to receive the Albert Schweitzer Prize in Medicine, invented the Torque-Release Technique. This technique permits spinal adjustment to be performed in a neutral position.
Resistance from the Medical Community
The medical community did not accept chiropractic-care methods as a valid treatment for many years. Terms like "charlatan," "quack" and "hoax" were often used to describe Palmer and his techniques. In fact, Palmer was charged, convicted and jailed for practicing medicine without a license.
From its humble and sometimes inauspicious beginnings, modern chiropractic-care methods have become a highly accepted and respected practice worldwide for treating a variety of ailments. Australia, Canadian, the E.U. and New Zealand all have licensed chiropractors, with the U.S. alone having over 50,000 licensed chiropractors spread across every state in the union. If you need a chiropractic adjustment in Brookfield WI, New Berlin WI, or Williams Bay WI, please contact or office. Our skilled team is here to help, and we promise to make your health our top priority.
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